When you start a company and start making products, you hope that it will make an impact on someone’s life. Silicon Valley is littered with solutions looking for a problem. But when we started Email Data Source, we were pretty sure we had a solution to a big problem. This week we heard, independently, from two of our clients who contacted us to let us know just how much, to quote Sally Field, they love us. They really, really love us. Both companies come from different fields, one in the financial marketspace, the other a Brick and Mortar retail outlet, but both use our tool, Email Analyst, to get data that effects how they do business on a daily basis. Data that is just not available elsewhere. Listening to clients tell you that the vision you had so many years ago is now saving them money, making them money, making them smarter in the way the go about business, is probably the greatest reward an entrepreneur can have. It means the work, sweat, sacrifice, and stress have all been worth it. You’ve had an impact. And THAT is a rare accomplishment.